Hi! Thanks so much for your interest in being a host salon. I would love to teach my extension certification class at your salon. To qualify as a host a salon:
-If you are within a 2 hour drive of Harrisburg, NC there must be a minimum of 2 stylists signed up for the class.
- If you are within a 3 hour driving distance from Harrisburg, NC, there must be a minimum 3 stylists signed up for the class.
-If you are more than a 3 hour drive or air fare is needed from Harrisburg, NC, there must be a minimum of 6 stylists signed up for the class.
Group class prices are determined by each stylist, based on which option they choose ($399, $469, $499, or $649). Stylists must provide their own mannequin and tripod or mannequin stand. Lunch will be provided by your educator and coordinated in advance of the class day. Please reach out for additional questions or specific/unique situations. I look forward to working with you soon!